Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blake Jarrell

blake jarrell Blake Jarrell has now made his widely-acclaimed radio show ‘Concentrate’ available as a podcast! It’s been doing fantastic with thousands of subscribers in only 2 months.

Each month you’ll get Blake’s personal pick of fresh new tunes mixed in a 2 hour enhanced podcast with chapters, artwork, and links to where you can buy the music you hear in the mix.

Subscribe now to get ‘Concentrate’ piped straight down into your computer so you’ll never miss a beat!  Blake has also made available the archive of over 20 past episodes from the past 2 years so all you beatfreaks can get historical.  For more information and track listings, visit the Podcast tab of the website.

He just signed new smash ‘Galapagos’ to a new Cosmic Gate compilation coming up on Black Hole.

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